All boasting aside, both my brother and I have a way of connecting with people, and this has a lot to do with our background in traveling the world and learning to connect with diverse ranges of people and cultures. So when you come to Gemma Joe’s not only will you receive great tasting food, made with love, but you’ll get to have an experience too.
You’ll feel like a guest, not a customer, and this is exactly the way we like to see our customers. As guests. And you will feel recognized, respected, and appreciated. We have a genuine curiosity with history and geography too, which helps us connect even deeper with our guests who come from around the world. Our years of working in acting and music has also given us people skills that not many shop owners, let alone employees, possess.
Again, adding to the experience that is Gemma Joe’s. And the thing is, it’s all genuine and real. Being the owners of a business which is the namesake of our mum and dad, as well as something we are passionate about (The American Diner, and connecting with people from around the world), gives us a sense of deep gratitude as well as deep purpose, meaning, and responsibility, and we can’t wait to see how this already wonderful journey continues to unfold.